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This is a list of speakers that have given talks at our annual conferences, special events, open houses, etc.
Theme: Fighting the Good Fight for 50 Years and Ready for the New Millennium! Title: Saint Louis IX, King and Crusader By Mr. Gary Potter This...

By Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. Also available on CD. In the Spring of 2005 at Saint Benedict Center Brother André Marie gave eight lectures on...

By Dr. William Fahey Theme: The Romance of Wisdom Title: "With what wisdom shall he be furnished that holdeth the plough?": Liberal learning, manual...

The 58th Fr. Feeney Update: 313. Todays Challenge For The Catholic Laity   314. The Fidelity To Christ And The Church 315. Is There A Time To...

By Gary Potter Theme: The Romance of Wisdom Title: Romancing Wisdom (and Sharing Some) Mr. Potter explored the aspect of wisdom as the highest of...

Course on the Psalms by Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. After having spent the better portion of his lifetime meditating upon Holy Scripture, most especially...

By Fr. Paul Wickens Theme: The Perpetual War Between Satan & Our Lady Title: The War on the Family and How to Survive it Father discusses...

By John Sharpe Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Living the Faith: Dollfuss of Austria and the Quadragesimo...

By Mr. Charles Coulombe Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines   Title:  Heroism at Home Mr. Coulombe surprised everyone when, for his...

Title: Causa Nostrae Laetitiae: Our Blessed Mother as the Model of Joy in the Catholic Home By Rev. Lawrence Smith Our Blessed Mother as the Model...

By Mr. C. Joseph Doyle Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines Title: Neglected Catholic Heroes of America C.J. Doyle is a historian, political...

Also available on CD. Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayst be wise in thy latter end. — Proverbs 19:20 By Brother André...

By John Sharpe Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Living the Faith: Dollfuss of Austria and the Quadragesimo...

Theme: Catholic Saints & Heroes: Models for our Modern Age Title: The Intolerant Lover: Venerable Emmanuel D’Alzon By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M....

Title: Putting First Things First: The Economic Vision of Father Vincent     McNabb and the Distributists By Mr. John Sharpe...