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Catholic Erudition

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. This is a study of most of the modern philosophic errors, including the most basic and pervasive error of subjectivism....

By Bernard Wuellner Everyone concerned with philosophy—the college undergraduate just becoming initiated into the fascinating realm of metaphysical...

Theme:  The Church’s Four Marks:  Reflections on These Indelible Divine Signs   Sister Mary Peter —  Fundamentals of the Four Marks  CD,...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. Also called metaphysics or the science of the immaterial, this is the highest branch of philosophy. It is the study of...

By Mr. C. Joseph Doyle Not only has this speaker an encyclopedic amount of historical knowledge, he knows how to evaluate history such that its lessons...

By C.J. Doyle This ad copy writer has never heard a more informative summation of the history that surrounded the period of the Protestant revolt. Our...

By Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. This Catholic America Tour Talk was given on March 10, in Washington DC. The subject of the talk is "Toward a...

By Doña Emilia Pardo Bazán Much more than simply “another life of Saint Francis,” this book will dazzle and enthrall, and educate all readers, from...

By Br. Francis M.I.C.M. The Catholic Epistles of the New Testament are called so because they are addressed not to a particular church or individual...

By Br. John Eudes, M.I.C.M., Tert. Theme: The Perpetual War Between Satan & Our Lady Title: Saint John Eudes and the Immaculate Heart...

By Godfrey Kurth Having survived 2,000 years of attacks, emperors, kings, traditions and philosophies, and heresies and schisms, the Catholic church...

Theme:  Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind  Get the whole set on   CD, DVD,   MP3   or   MP4 . Brother Andre Marie  Acquiring...