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Title: Crusade Update By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M., Prior It has become traditional for Brother André to begin the Thursday...

By Mr. Brian Kelly There are many canticles in the Old Testament but only three in the New. Brian Kelly introduced his audience to the hidden depths of...

Title: Sloth, Disillusionment, and the Higher Chivalry: Evelyn Waugh's Elegiac Sword of Honor Trilogy By Dr. Robert Hickson Himself a military man and...

Title: Criminalizing the Good Guys By Br. Lawrence Mary, M.I.C.M.,Tert. Having been the victim of an orchestrated hate campaign leveled at his travel...

Title: Sloth, Disillusionment, and the Higher Chivalry: Evelyn Waugh's Elegiac Sword of Honor Trilogy By Dr. Robert Hickson Also Available as CD

By Mr. Brian Kelly There are many canticles in the Old Testament but only three in the New. Brian Kelly introduced his audience to the hidden depths of...