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Politics and Society

Libido Dominandi Sexual Liberation and Political Control Man has as many masters as vices, defects and weaknesses. Todays governments and...

Theme:   "The Catholic Church Has the Answer" Rick Barrett  (a.k.a.,  The Armed Catholic ) Is it true that you can no t be pro-life...

By Dr. Amintore Fanfani Catholicism, Protestantism, and Capitalism is one of the most scholarly and comprehensive treatments of the antagonism between...

Mr. C. Joseph Doyle   — Catholicism, not Conservatism, Is the Answer   The DVD includes the Panel Discussion.    Though we may...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" John Sharpe — ‘Neither to the Right Hand nor to the Left’: Integral Catholicism in...

Written by E. Michael Jones. In this ground breaking book, Jones shows how major determining leaders in modern thought and culture have rationalized their...

Theme:   "The Catholic Church Has the Answer" Rick Barrett  (a.k.a.,  The Armed Catholic ) Is it true that you can no t be pro-life...

By Adam Miller Part II of the Marian Publication series, "The Conflict Between the North and the South." The issue of slavery is examined from a Catholic...

Theme:   "The Catholic Church Has the Answer" Rick Barrett  (a.k.a.,  The Armed Catholic ) The DVD includes Charles' talk....

Catholic Social Teaching, Its Development and Contemporary Relevance By Thomas Storck Foreword by Peter Kwasniewski Since Pope Leo XIII’s landmark...