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Theme: Catholic and Counterrevolutionary


2014 SBC Conference Set on CD, DVD, or MP3


Dr. Robert Hickson — Counterrevolution as an Affirmation: Amid the Allure of False Dialectics CD, DVD, or MP3 

Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. — Sanctity: Our Counterrevolutionary Grand Strategy CD, DVD, or MP3

Mr. Charles Coulombe — Life after Pope Benedict CD, DVD, or MP3

Mr. Gary Potter — What Is the Revolution? CD, DVD, or MP3

Brother Alexis Bugnolo — Creation and the Divine Order of Things: the Truths to Combat the Errors of Our Age CD, DVD, or MP3

Mr. Charles Coulombe — The Other Americans: Loyalists, Confederates, and Other Dissenters – How Catholic Were They? CD, DVD, or MP3

Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. — Repeating History: Vincible Ignorance and Useful Tools CD, DVD or MP3

Mr. C. Joseph Doyle — Developing a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective CD,DVD, or MP3

Panel Discussion (all speakers / moderated) CD, DVD, or MP3