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This years Q’s and A’s dealt principally with how to keep the youth enthused about the Faith in the face of the counter-culture. And, a good chunk of the...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" John Sharpe — ‘Neither to the Right Hand nor to the Left’: Integral Catholicism in...

Religious Revival Despite Political Repression: Catholicism in Counter-Reformation Ireland Theme:   Resisting the Revolutionary Reset:  Virtues,...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Charles Coulombe — The Uses of Enchantment: Fantasy Literature and Folklore as Means of...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Mr. C. Joseph Doyle — Hilaire Belloc’s Catholic Understanding of History In our efforts...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Chris De Vos — Sacred History as Vital to a Catholic Worldview: Lessons from Catholic...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Choosing Your Words Wisely: The Rhetoric of Passing on the Faith After outlinging a...

By Mr. Brian Kelly Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines   Title: Asia Bibi, Languishing Pakistani Mother and Prisoner of Love for Her...

Losing Interest in Interest: The Land of Bilk and Money Theme:   Resisting the Revolutionary Reset:  Virtues, Skills, and Catholic Good Sense for...

Theme:   "The Catholic Church Has the Answer" Rick Barrett  (a.k.a.,  The Armed Catholic ) Is it true that you can no t be pro-life...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview"   Hugh Owen — The Dogma of Creation as Integral to a Catholic Worldview...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Featuring Br. Andre Marie, Sr. Maria Philomena, Hugh Owen, Charles Coloumbe, Mike Church,...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Mike Church — Repossessing the Real Estate of the Catholic Mind While most Catholics...

By Mr. Charles Coulombe Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines   Title:  Heroism at Home Mr. Coulombe surprised everyone when, for his...

By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines     The noble Roman, Saint Cecilia, one of the seven women martyrs...

Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean?   Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. — Opening Remarks CD or MP3 Dr. Robert Hickson —...